Sunday, June 22, 2008

Square for charity

Di sela kesibukan ngurus anak dan suami juga breien...he..he (ini gak bisa tinggal deh), aku nyempetin ikut serta buat square . Square ini nantinya di sambung terus dibuat scarf, selimut. Saat ini group kita lagi buat tas buat anak2 sekolah. Lumayan udah banyak tas sudah jadi. Nanti nya tas ini di beri ke anak2 buat masuk tahun ajaran baru. Square ini aku kirim ke Bandung ke koordinator yang nyambung square ini. Semoga ntar aku bisa nambah lagi buat square2 ini.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's day gift

I wanna give something to my hubby as a present for father's day, but he said " don't buy anything for me". Ehm....this is not fair. But still I try to find something that he can use for his work. After browsed many sites....finally I found in Annie's Attic something really nice. I made it on Saturday and finished in the evening....uh really hard work..but I really satisfied with the result.
On Sunday me and my son gave our gifts to him........ho..ho..ho...he's really happy. He said when I go to visit my client I will bring your gift.

So voila...this is the gift I made for him